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We use well-known development methods to create a customized approach for each of the projects.


niche offers


Alternative traffic sources


Transparency and full control over campaigns and access to detailed log reports in real time.


You can be sure your personal account and your campaigns are protected.


Advanced targeting allows you to reach out to even the most specific audience.


You don’t need any particular skills to work with our platform.


All of our technologies are made in-house. Abandoning third party technologies gives us full control over our infrastructure for maximum stability.

Dynamic pricing

You decide how much are you willing to spend on specific display. The amount of traffic is decided via fair and open auction.

Personal manager online 24/7

Don’t worry, our specialists are ready to help you any time.

iGetPops - innovative global platform uniting advertisers and publishers from around the world.
Developed by a team of professionals with over ten years of experience with pop-under technology.
It satisfies all demands of modern online market and helps our clients to quickly and efficiently become
successful in the media space.
iGetPops offers over a million alternative traffic sources, allowing you to target any kind of audience.

Join us right now to get high quality traffic and monetize your website!

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